Easter Ideas
1. Make a wire cross out of pliable wire. Barbed wire
is more difficult to use and has a safety aspect if
you’re making the crosses with children but it does
capture the rugged look.
2. On Good Friday we place a large wooden
cross with a purple sash around it out the
front of the worship area. Before Easter Day
the cross is covered with ‘chicken wire’ and
each person comes forward to place a flower on the cross symbolizing ‘new life’.
3. Egg Shell Gardens The egg must be broken at the small end, leaving more than half the
shell intact. A small hole is made in the other end. The child’s name and the decorations are put
on with crayon. Each child dips his own shell in warm dye and when dry partly fills it with dirt. A
little peat moss is sprinkled on top and three or four seeds are planted in each shell. Choose
some seeds that germinate quickly. Marigolds are good for this.
Stand the shells in a tray of peat moss until the seeds come up, when each child takes his
garden home. The peat moss holds the moisture and keeps the garden from drying out. For
obvious reasons, it is well to plant a few extra gardens.
4. Reaching out at Easter. As a church prepare
posies of flowers or home made biscuits with a card
that explains the Easter message and distribute to...
> Those who have had a bereavement since last Easter.
> Those in nursing homes.
> People you know who may not hear from their family.
> As a ‘thank you’ to people who have helped you.
5. Eggciting! Children love Easter egg
hunts, especially the younger children. A
hunt could also be incorporated into your
Easter activities. Before doing so, it is important to explain to the children the
significance of eggs in our Easter celebrations. Eggs remind people of new life.
Discuss the different creatures that come
from eggs i.e. Chickens, other birds, fish,
butterflies, etc... Discuss the fact that on
that first Easter Jesus was raised from
death to have a new life and that we too
can have a new life by following Jesus.
6. To Get one of the children to bite into a hollow
chocolate egg. Ask them
what they can see inside.
(Nothing). Point out that
when Jesus friends returned to the cave/tomb
where his body had been
placed, they too found it
empty, just like the insides
of the egg. Jesus had been
raised from the dead, he
was no longer there.
7. Why we have
Easter eggs? The
egg symbolizing life
after death, comprises the first meal
after a Jewish
funeral. Easter eggs,
therefore, are meant
to remind us that
death is not the end.